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About Us
Hi everyone! We are the AIXSense team from the RWTH Aachen University in Germany. Actually, we are a quite international multidisciplinary team. We started as a small group with only five members and kept growing until finally reached a 13-people team. Each of us has a different background, with majors ranging from Bioengineering, Electronics and Computer Science, variety that has been totally enriching for our project and also for ourselves. But it has not been just us, we have counted with the help of amazing supervisors. Their ideas and experience have been crucial in every step and made it all possible.  
SensUs has provided us the unique chance of participating in a real project, experimenting team work and realizing how, in fact, our work is part of the pursue for improving patient’s treatment and hence, people’s lives. Along the way, we have researched and talked to real professionals dealing with Vancomycin on a daily basis, who trust and rely in our generation as future researchers.  
We did not know each other before the beginning of this year, then, we became colleagues and later on, we have become friends. Now, we look forward to meeting all the other international teams and ideas and hope that all of you can follow the event as well. See you in Eindhoven!
  • Sample Volume
  • Time To Result
  • Correlation Scatter
  • Dose Response
Contact info

Website: http://aix-sense.de

Email: senseusrwthteam@gmail.com

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