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About Us

The KU Leuven SensUs team consists of 14 highly motivated bachelor and master students. Studies range from Bioscience engineering and Nanotechnology to Biomedical and Pharmaceutical sciences. Some people joined to develop their skills, others just want to win, but all of us joined out of interest and for the real-life implications of the topic. The many different nationalities and backgrounds enable us to look for solutions in a broad way and from different perspectives, while our specialities and perseverance allow us to look into every detail of a problem. Apart from the competitive element, we all hope to gain new experience in fields like creative thinking, giving presentations, lab work and working in an interdisciplinary team. We are willing to work throughout our whole summer vacation to build our ideas into the best product possible and represent our university to the fullest.

  • Sample Volume
  • Time To Result
  • Correlation Scatter
  • Dose Response
Contact info

Website: https://vancosense.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sensuskuleuven/

e-mail: Jeroen.lammertyn@kuleuven.be (prof. dr. Jeroen Lammertyn)

MeBioS: www.biosensors.be

Photo by: Bart van Overbeeke

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