About Us

Eleven students from the Eindhoven University of Technology represent the Netherlands during the 2018 SensUs competition. The team is multidisciplinary and includes bachelor students from the faculties Biomedical Engineering, Medical Engineering & Technology, Applied Physics, Chemical Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering and Psychology & Technology. We started this journey to learn about developing and eventually making a real life product that potentially could help many people. All team members had different interests and individual goals they wanted to achieve at the start of this project. During the last year everyone was free to pursue these, though the end result was always kept in mind. Furthermore, we think it is important to look at how our biosensor could be used in real life, and we dream of creating a product that could be used by patients at home.

Our team uses a biosensor which is equipped with a magnetic detection principle. We fire a laser onto the test sample, the light is scattered and we measure the intensity with a photodiode at a 90 degree angle. The sample has been made by combining a single drop of blood of a patient and our superparamagnetic beads / antibody solution. There are two reasons we use our magnetic setup:
Firstly, by quickly turning the magnetic field on and off the molecular interactions are accelerated, basically it stirs the sample. Secondly a rotating magnetic field is required for the detection of the scattered light.

  • Sample Volume
  • Time To Result
  • Correlation Scatter
  • Dose Response
Contact info
If you have any other questions don’t hesitate to contact us:
Email: info@tuetest.nl
Telephone number: 06 46408491

You can also find more info on our website:

Or follow us on here:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tu-e-sensus-team/

Photo by: Bart van Overbeeke

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